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[新闻公告] 《模拟人生3:夜店人生》相关信息[29日会议内容][7.30更新]

发表于 2010-7-21 23:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
法国网站 Jeuxvideo.com 有幸采访到制作人卢克·史密斯,下面是该网站对采访内容的一些总结消息:
- 将有一个全新的城市社区。
- 成为名人后,您可以逃避狗仔队的追踪!
- 新的公共场所。
- 您可以成为吸血鬼。
- 您可以成为调酒师。
- 一些新的职业:演员、调酒师。
- 您的模拟市民可以在这个系列得到很不错的报酬!
- 如果您是名人有可能因狗仔队而丑闻漫布而您的私人生活被揭露。
- 您可以组成一个乐队,或者是调酒师(更多的就业机会)
- 吸血鬼在白天睡觉并且不喜欢吃模拟市民。

Interview Les Sims 3 : Accès VIP

A l'occasion de l'annonce tonitruante des Sims 3 : Accès VIP, nous avons pu poser quelques questions à Grant Rodiek, producteur sur la série depuis 2005. Les lignes qui suivent permettront de mettre un peu de lumière sur le monde de la nuit qui tend les bras à nos chers Sims. N'hésitez pas non plus à jeter un oeil attentif à la bande-annonce rythmée de cette nouvelle extension.
jeuxvideo.com > Qu'est-ce qui dicte le thème de chaque nouvelle extension ? Interrogez-vous les fans pour savoir ce qu'ils attendent ?

Luke Smith : Nous portons toujours attention à la communauté des Sims lorsque nous apportons de nouvelles expériences de jeu. Nous surveillons les forums, les sites de réseaux sociaux et nous lisons les rapports d'études conduites par nos partenaires commerciaux. Nous aimons comprendre comment les joueurs jouent au jeu et ce qui les excite le plus. Dans bien des cas, s'il s'agit d'une seule nouvelle fonction ou d'un objet particulier qu'ils veulent absolument, nous l'ajoutons simplement au pack en cours de développement.

A chaque nouvelle extension, nous cherchons à donner aux joueurs de nouvelles aspirations vers lesquelles tendre ou de nouvelles expériences pour conduire leurs Sims. Rester dehors tard le soir, faire la fête, chercher l'amour – voilà des expériences qui nous font nous sentir vivants. Elles nous gardent jeunes. Mais au lieu de simplement fournir aux Sims des destinations nocturnes qu'ils ont déjà vues auparavant, nous leur donnons la possibilité de prendre le contrôle de la nuit avec leur groupe, de devenir un incroyable barman, un être supernaturel ou un vrai Casanova. Toutes ces activités peuvent être pratiquées sur les terrasses de superbes suites du quartier Sims le plus cool qui soit.

jeuxvideo.com > Après Destination Aventure et Ambitions (deux extensions saluées pour les nouveautés apportées à la série), Accès VIP semble un peu plus classique dans son approche. En fait, il semble que vous êtes en train de développer une version Sims 3 de l'extension Nuits de Folie pour les Sims 2. A quel niveau les add-on Accès VIP et Nuits de Folie sont-ils similaires et/ou différents ?

Luke Smith : Nos fans attendent de nous que nous créions certaines expériences de jeu pour leurs Sims, et nous écoutons toujours notre communauté lorsque nous créons des jeux. Cependant, nous poussons notre créativité, c'est ce que les fans attendent aussi de nous. Du coup, c'est à nous d'explorer les possibilités à l'intérieur d'un thème pas forcément cloisonné.

Notre défi est d'arriver avec de nouvelles expériences de gameplay que nous n'avons encore jamais faites auparavant. Nous faisons notre possible pour être frais et encore meilleurs à chaque fois. C'est fun et c'est ce qui nous pousse à venir travailler tous les jours. Par exemple, grâce à Accès VIP, c'est la première fois que les Sims peuvent vivre dans un quartier urbain ouvert dans lequel ils peuvent devenir barman ou vampire pour parcourir la nuit. Les célébrités à rencontrer, les paparazzis à fuir et plusieurs des nouveaux établissements que les Sims peuvent visiter sont des éléments totalement inédits à ce pack.

jeuxvideo.com >  Quels sont les nouveaux emplois que nous pourrons jouer ?

Luke Smith : Il y a bien des nouvelles professions dans Les Sims 3 : Accès VIP. Vos Sims pourront tenter de percer dans l'industrie cinématographique en tant qu'acteur ou travailler dans les clubs en tant que Mixologiste. Avec le succès grandissant, arriveront des tas de nouvelles opportunités très bien payées comme jouer dans une série télé ou faire quelques apparitions de star. Les Sims sont de grands fêtards mais il y a toujours des tas de moyens pour eux de gagner beaucoup de Simoleons.

jeuxvideo.com > Les Sims peuvent donc devenir célèbres. Qu'est-ce que cela change dans leur vie de tous les jours ?

Luke Smith : On pourrait croire que la Célébrité Sims est toute dorée : ils reçoivent des propositions qui payent magnifiquement, ils vivent dans de grandes maisons dans le quartier glamour de la ville et alors qu'ils deviennent de plus en plus connus, les videurs les accueilleront à bras ouverts dans n'importe quel établissement. Cela dit, tout n'est pas que fêtes et cadeaux sous les projecteurs puisque d'autres Sims épieront chacun de vos mouvements. Les paparazzis seront aussi toujours prêts à exposer votre vie privée et à provoquer des scandales.

jeuxvideo.com >  Avez-vous prévu d'inclure des versions Sims de vraies célébrités dans le jeu ?

Luke Smith : Ce serait amusant ! Mais pour le moment, nous nous concentrons à faire des Sims 3 : Accès VIP la meilleure expérience nocturne possible. Actuellement, nous n'avons pas d'annonces sur la présence de vraies célébrités dans le jeu.

jeuxvideo.com > Avec l'ajout de professions de nuit, sera-t-il possible de combiner les emplois et travailler jour et nuit ?

Luke Smith : L'add-on propose une façon de jouer très entreprenante. Si vous êtes très ambitieux, vous devriez être capable de doubler vos potentiels d'entrées d'argent. Si votre groupe est assez réputé et décroche des concerts la nuit, vous devriez être capable d'assurer ces représentations après votre travail de jour. Vous pouvez aussi passer la nuit en tant que mixologiste après le travail.

jeuxvideo.com >  Les vampires sont enfin et officiellement de retour dans Les Sims. Une fois transformés en suceur de sang, est-ce qu'un Sims verra ses besoins quotidiens modifiés ? Par exemple, aura-t-il besoin de dormir et manger autant qu'un Sims normal ?

Luke Smith : Les vampires ont clairement un rythme différent. Ils voudront dormir durant le jour et sortir s'amuser la nuit. Ils n'auront pas à manger de la même manière que les autres Sims puisqu'ils auront un autre type de soif à étancher ! Les vampires pourront vivre plus longtemps aussi. Au fond de leur cœur, les vampires veulent probablement juste être aimés et acceptés comme n'importe quel autre Sims.

jeuxvideo.com > Qu'est-ce qui attend les Sims après Accès VIP ? Aucun épisode Des Sims Histoires de en vue ?

Luke Smith : A présent, notre équipe est entièrement dédiée à Accès VIP pour en faire la meilleure extension possible !

2楼 - 《模拟人生3:夜店人生》- 如何成为一个吸血鬼
5楼 - GameGuru.ru 网站对《模拟人生3:夜店人生》制作人 Grant Rodiek 采访
6楼 - 制作人Grant Rodiek资料片信息发布会内容

[ 本帖最后由 Sakura4 于 2010-7-30 13:09 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-22 00:06 | 显示全部楼层

《模拟人生3:夜店人生》- 如何成为一个吸血鬼

“You have to find a vampire in the world, befriend it, and then ask it to turn you into a vampire. You can then turn other Sims into vampires,” explains Newman. Late Night also includes a new Blood Line system, which will let you pass your vampirism onto your offspring. “So if a vampire and a vampire mate, it will for sure be a vampire baby. But if a vampire and a non-vampire mate, it might be a vampire or it might be a Sim. There’s no half-vampire, half-Sim babies.”

    And what will you feed on once you’ve become a creature of the night? “They quench their thirst by eating plasma packs, drinking plasma from other Sims, or growing rare and awesome plasma fruits.”“You have to find a vampire in the world, befriend it, and then ask it to turn you into a vampire. You can then turn other Sims into vampires,” explains Newman. Late Night also includes a new Blood Line system, which will let you pass your vampirism onto your offspring. “So if a vampire and a vampire mate, it will for sure be a vampire baby. But if a vampire and a non-vampire mate, it might be a vampire or it might be a Sim. There’s no half-vampire, half-Sim babies.”

    And what will you feed on once you’ve become a creature of the night? “They quench their thirst by eating plasma packs, drinking plasma from other Sims, or growing rare and awesome plasma fruits.”


  变成吸血鬼这种夜间动物后模拟市民吃什么? “他们对血液是非常的激渴,吃血浆包或者是咬其他模拟市民来获得血液。也可以喝种植稀有的血浆水果。
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发表于 2010-7-22 08:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-7-22 12:14 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-22 18:54 | 显示全部楼层

GameGuru.ru 网站对《模拟人生3:夜店人生》制作人 Grant Rodiek 采访

    GameGuru: So, what new adventures await our Sims to complement The Sims 3: Late Night?
    GameGuru: 那么,有什么样的新冒险等待着我们的模拟市民来体验《模拟人生3:夜店人生》?

    Grant Rodiek: With each addition, we are looking for inspiration, so give your characters even more unique experience! Hanging out late, going to parties and find love – that’s what makes us all feel alive and young! But instead of just giving the opportunity to spend the night in some incendiary place, we have prepared for you an unforgettable mixture of adventure and opportunity! So, you can put together a band, a terrific bartender, a supernatural being or a real Casanova! All this you can do on the roof of a skyscraper, in his own penthouse!
    Your trainees definitely enjoy their new nightlife, regardless of whether they are trying to sneak into the club past the guards, flaunt cool moves on the dance floor or crib with another Sims! Now Sims will be able to master various night profession. For example, a bartender.
    会有新的冒险和机会等待你去发现。你可以组成一个乐队、成为一个不错的酒保或者是一个吸血鬼!你可以在摩天大厦的屋顶建造自己的阁楼!(PS: 楼顶能装修的话,难道靠电梯上去?)

    GameGuru: And what specifically are now able to engage in sims night apart from the fact that they will sleep in their cozy homes?
    GameGuru: 模拟市民是睡在自己家来进行夜生活吗?

    Grant Rodiek: in addition “At dusk, we present a completely brand-new urban setting, so that your characters definitely do not want to sleep that night! Evening Sima could start something like this: he calls his friends by the group and invite them to arrange an improvised concert at the garage to warm up. Then, tired of loud music, they are sent to the nearest bar to enjoy the full spectrum of colored drinks and the party game of darts. There they stumble upon a crowd of fans eager to get their autograph, and something of value, but broke through the dense entanglement of living and loving bodies, our heroes are sent to the VIP-section, which just does not pass. Thanks for your Sims are not too much changed their plans for the evening, so plenty of fun, they went home, but then, suddenly, one of your friends had the idea to swim naked in the city swimming pool!
    In the world of The Sims 3: In the twilight of an unimaginable number of options, how and with whom you can spend the night!
    在《夜店人生》中将有一个全新的城市环境,让您的模拟市民绝对不想睡觉的地方!去目的地由一个小人发起组织后就可以邀请其他NPC一起到预定的地点进行活动!(PS: 跟户外派对差不多吧!)可以在城市游泳池裸泳!

    GameGuru: Is the new location will be available only at night, unlike The Sims 2: Nightlife?
    GameGuru: 新的场所是只能在夜间,象《模拟人生2:夜生活》吗?

    Grant Rodiek: Opening time varies from institution to institution. Some will open in the evening, some at night, and some places will be available only in the wee hours.
    “Have fun till you drop!” – The motto of a new annex to The Sims 3

    GameGuru: By the way, what are the differences between The Sims 2: Nightlife and The Sims 3 Late Night EP? What innovations can we expect from the new game?
    GameGuru: 与《模拟人生2:夜生活》之间的区别?有什么新的内容、创意?

    Grant Rodiek: Our fans expect to see in the new addition certain things, but we will certainly listen carefully and take into account the opinion of every lover of The Sims. But we like and expect our fans, went ahead and decided to act in creative, because the theme of night time entertainment – it untilled fields, and our personal experiences and give us an idea of what could be done something quite grand.
    Our task – to create as many new ideas and gameplay pans, which we have never done before. That thirst for creativity and creative spirit – is what drives us every day, for 10 years, to come to work and create for you and your heroes more and more new adventures. Regarding new products, the “In the twilight” – this is the first game in the line of The Sims, in which your wards live in a big city, where they may be, for example, a bartender, or even a vampire, seeking what would make money in the twilight streets.
    With an open world The Sims 3, we managed to create a stunning living city, which you’ve never seen before. It has everything could wish for your soul: bars, clubs, gardens and terraces, studio, secret corners, observation platforms, and even avtomobilchik with fast food! Also “In the twilight” you’ll find new opportunities in the editor, create characters, to change the appearance of your heroes, and nice additions to the editor of objects with which you can finally decorate your home chic whirlpool and curved pools!
    What could be more beautiful than a romantic evening in the jacuzzi on the roof of the penthouse!

    GameGuru: Fun – an integral part of the night life of any big city. Does this mean that Simvill become a metropolis in The Sims 3 Late Night EP? Can your sims change their cozy houses to modern city apartments?
    GameGuru: 能否修改城市中的建筑?

    Grant Rodiek: Yes! Trust ready to come off your last night! Cozy cabins and cottages still remain, but also you can choose a city apartment flats or even penthouse! With the increasing fame and prosperity of your heroes, they will be able to move into more and more fashionable areas with stunning real estate. Places of entertainment also differ from each other: from the barn on the outskirts of town to the bar on the roof of a skyscraper overlooking the million dollars.

    GameGuru: Will there be any new professions? For example, a Sim can become a DJ, or will simply come off the hot hangouts?
    GameGuru: 是否有新的行业?例如,一个模拟市民可以成为一个DJ?

    Grant Rodiek: Oh, what! For example, your Sim will become a rising star in the film industry as an actor or work in a club bartender. With the growth of your popularity and professionalism you just will have the opportunity to participate in trade shows or change their appearance. Sims did not come off as a child, but they always find a way to earn a lot of simoleons!
    You can become a real superstar and fend off crowds of annoying fans

    GameGuru: Why nightlife? Is this a tribute to the contemporary literature and film? Or is it just an upgrade of one of the most popular additions to The Sims 2?
    GameGuru: 是否是最流行的《模拟人生2:夜生活》的升级补充?

    Grant Rodiek: Life in the style of “work-home-work” will drive any young Sima depression. The Sims 3: In the twilight of each hero will make a breath of fresh air and inspiration for the mobile life. Your Trust may seek fame and popularity of the star or become a regular at bars and taverns, or just have fun all night till you drop on the dance floor with friends. In addition the careers we have expanded professional opportunities Sims, and now it’s time to rest as this is not done yet nowhere and never.

    GameGuru: Will we see any generation of darkness, like a vampire or Werewolf? Can we make friends with them or become one of them?
    GameGuru: 能否看到一个吸血鬼或是狼人?我们可以与他们成为朋友?

    Grant Rodiek: Vampires in the game definitely will and, in fact – they, too, Sima! They also have desires and needs, and, as usual, Sima, they wanted to be friends, however, preferably at night. He found one of them, you can ask yourself, and draw a vampire, or leave them to look for other friends.
    For fans of underground acts have the opportunity to put together a street dzhazbend.

    GameGuru: Each addition to the series of The Sims contains a lot of new furniture and other things. Will there be something new and truly exclusive to The Sims 3: Late Night EP? Can we have a party at home?
    GameGuru: 是否有新的家具和其他很多东西?我们可以在家里举行聚会吗?

    Grant Rodiek: Do players have every opportunity to create a club atmosphere with a dance floor at home, using the light-music and a variety of smoke-machine. Another component of the club’s design is a bar, whose configuration can be changed using the appropriate modules. Sims will even be able to hire a bartender, so he gave the guests the most incredible mixes drinks. In general, if you want to run a bar on the sofa, then “In the twilight” you will have every opportunity to do so, starting with disco balls and mirrors with the effects of cracks for a more vintage appearance, to the elite of towels in the homes of celebrities. Heroes star with the disease will enjoy the painted bars and chic whirlpool.

    GameGuru: And the final question! What future for The Sims series in the future?
    GameGuru: 最后一个问题!未来的模拟人生系列将会是什么样的?

    Grant Rodiek: All our efforts are focused now on the development of The Sims 3: In the twilight, so that in the near future, we set ourselves the task as soon as possible to release this update!
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-30 13:07 | 显示全部楼层

2010年7月29日制作人Grant Rodiek资料片信息发布会内容

2010年7月29日制作人Grant Rodiek资料片信息发布会内容

以下列表总结来源:Sims Wiki

New Objects 新物件

    * Elevators (Sims will be able to WooHoo in them) 电梯(模拟市民可以在里面嘿咻)
    * New instruments (Each with their own skill) 新的乐器(有各自对应的技能)
          o Drums, Bass, Piano 鼓、贝司、钢琴
    * Shuffleboard 沙狐球
    * Darts 飞镖
    * Bubble bar 泡泡吧台
    * New bars 新吧台
    * 3 hot tubs 3个热浴盆
    * New furniture 新的家具
    * Vampire inspired bed 吸血鬼灵感床
    * Vampire altar 吸血鬼祭坛

New interactions 新的互动

    * ‘Make a move’ “使...移动”(意念?魔法?)
    * Talk and drink while sitting down 坐下时的谈话和喝酒

New skills 新技能

    * Drums
    * Bass 贝司
    * Piano 钢琴
    * Mixology, creates new drinks, learn fancy drinks moves, moonlight as a mixologist (not a career) 调酒,创造了新的饮品,学习花式制作饮料动作,午夜作为调酒师(不是职业)
    * New cooking recipes (drinks and hot wings – different drinks will add different effects) 新的烹饪食谱(饮料和辣鸡翅 - 不同的饮料会有不同的心情效果)

New careers 新的职业

    * Film, actor, director brances, (similar to Ambitions Doctor career) 电影、演员、董事(类似《梦想起飞》的医生职业)
    * ‘Teen Celebrity’ part time job, available to children of celebrities. “青少年名人”的兼职工作,为了名人的孩子。

New CAS features 新的CAS功能

    * Breast slider for women. 女人乳房大小滑块
    * New muscle slider for both genders (can make ribbed abs) 新的肌肉滑块(可以设置肋骨值)
    * New sliders are passed down through genetics. 新的滑块特征可以遗传
    * New clothes. 新衣服
    * New hairstyles. 新发型
    * New facial hair (goatee and others). 新胡子(山羊胡子和其它)
    * New tattoos. 新纹身

New NPCs 新的NPC

    * Paparazzi. 狗仔队

Band details 乐队详情

    * Bands can perform gigs 可以开音乐会
    * Invite people to join band, kick them out and hold jam sessions 可以邀请别人加入乐队,剔除乐队成员

Celebrity details 名人详情
    (not a career)(不是一个专业)

    * Acting auditions around the neighborhood. 在街头试演
    * Shoot B-reels for money.
    * Get money for schmoozing.

Neighborhood 街道

    * Subways, a rabbit-hole transport system. (No loeading screens) 地铁站,一个兔子洞的交通系统(没有读取画面)
          o It’s free, but you can get mugged. Can be placed on residential lots as well, via buydebug. 它是免费的,你可以对其进行抢劫。可以放在住宅用地,通过秘籍 buydebug。
    * New art for some old rabbit holes. 一些老的兔子洞将有新的类型设置。

New traits 新特征

(only two new traits in Late Night) (《夜店人生》只有两个新的特征)

    * Shy 害羞
    * Star Quality, will help you become a celebrity faster/easier, similar to Eccentric 星级品质,将帮助你更快、更简单的成为名人

New places to WooHoo 新场所嘿咻

    * Hot tub. 热浴盆
    * Elevator. 电梯

Music 音乐

    * New music genres. 新的音乐风格

Vampire details 吸血鬼详情

    * Has thirst motive instead of hunger. 有口渴状态而不是即可饥饿。
    * Can die from thirst which gives a new ghost color. 可能死于干渴,有新的鬼颜色。
    * Plasmapacks are snacks and they’re red. 血包食物是红色的。
    * Bloodfruit seeds can be bought at the grocer. 血液水果种子可在杂货店购买。
    * Vampire children still go to school and must hurry when catching the bus. 吸血鬼的孩子可以上学,但必须赶上BUS。
    * Slightly pale an ‘unearthy’ skintone for vampires. 苍白的吸血鬼肤色。
    * Can be cured by a potion. 可以通过药水治愈。
    * Unique behaviors. 独特的行为。
    * Favorite food is blood. 最喜欢的食物是血。
    * Garlic will affect them somehow. 大蒜会影响他们。

New build tools 新的建筑工具

    * Pools on any floor. 泳池可以在任何地面。
    * Curved pools. 曲线泳池。
    * Circular pools. 圆形泳池。
    * Half-walls. 半墙。
    * Shell buildings. 大厦外壳。
    * Fountain tool. 喷泉工具。
    * Moving paintings up and down on walls. 壁画可以在墙上向上和向下移动。

New lots: 新的建筑

    * Studio. 工作室
    * Subway. 地铁站
    * Hidden vampire bar. 隐藏吸血鬼的台子

Misc 杂项

    * ‘Downtown’ is a new neighborhood. ‘市中心'是一个新的街区。
    * New dance animations. 新舞蹈动画。
    * New oppertunities and wishes. 新的终生愿望。
    * VIP sections have more celebrities, cooler people, better objects and activities, better drinks…overall higher quality. VIP节有更多的名人,更棒的饮料。
    * Apartments are big “Shells” like in WA, NOT apartments like in AL. 公寓楼的外壳相当于WA里的金字塔。
    * You can add Downtown elements to existing neighborhoods. 你可以添加现有的元素到市中心街区。
    * FX machine: snow, fire, glitter, bubbles. 新的特效:雪、火、闪光、气泡。
    * New vampire feed animations depending on relationship score.
    * Name of the Downtown district not yet decided. 市中心的名称还没有决定。
    * You can form groups and romantic groups. 你可以组建团队。
    * Can crash NPC parties.
    * Bouncers can be passed by bribing, sneaking in, hacking or by using your celebrity status. 打手可以通过贿赂,偷偷的、黑客或使用您的名人权利。
    * New water reflections. 新的水反光。
    * Late Night is rated T for Teen. 《夜店人生》限定青少年。
    * Twinbrook was inspired by the gulf coastline, i.e. Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi. 双溪的灵感来自于墨西哥湾沿岸,即路易斯安那州,佐治亚州,密西西比州。
    * The traffic light from the Late Night trailer is decorative. 交通灯装饰
    * ~12 new cars in FLS. 12辆新车在FLS(物品包)。
    * Possible new Trait in FLS FLS可能有新的特征。

NOT included 不包含

    * No bowling alleys 没有保龄球馆
    * No Microphone 没有麦克风
    * No new CAS skin colors 没有新的CAS肤色
    * No vampire coffin 没有吸血鬼棺材
    * No custom made buildings 没有定制楼房
    * No DJ Booth 没有DJ台
    * No spiral staircase 没有螺旋楼梯
    * No folding beds 没有折叠床

[ 本帖最后由 Sakura4 于 2010-7-30 14:42 编辑 ]
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Are you including elevators in Late Night?
@icreatesims Absolutely! How else would you get to the top floor? Certainly not stairs!

@Robodl95 One of my favorite new romantic options is to make a move. There are some very sexy new dance animations too...

@TheSims3 Will there be seperate skills for each instrument?
@WorldWar3434 Absolutely! Guitar/Drums/Bass/Piano all have skills, opportunities, wishes, you name it.

@TheSims3 Ciao Grant! What new careers and interactions- if any- can we look forward to? :)
@Gavaudin There's a new Film Career that has two branches: Director and Actor. There are some cool things you can do out in the town too!

@TheSims3 Hello will Vampires be able to have, Vampire children?
@FabKail16 How could we have vampires without vampire children! Of course they can reproduce and make vampiric offspring.

@TheSims3 The tall buildings that appear in the trailer are decorative?
@SimDown_ The tall buildings can actually be lived in. If you make enough Simoleons you can even buy one of the luxury high rises.

@TheSims3 Is the new neighborhood a neighborhood like Riverview,Twinbork and Sunset Valley or like a neighborhood where you move?
@AnaLucia95 It's like Twinbrook, Riverview, or Sunset Valley. You can import your sims using Edit Town if you want to keep the same family.

@TheSims3 in the new expansion late night can you become an actor?
@DrewxHoopah Yes, that's one of the paths in the new Film Career. That and Directing.

@TheSims3 Hey Grant! Can I play the drumms in the Sims 3:After Dark?
@Sunset_Valley_F You can play the drums in Late Night, yes! (It's not After Dark)

@TheSims3 can the vampires ages? how long if i set it to epic when my vampire sims is young adult?
@indrabaru1 Vampires will age, but VERY slowly. Vampires will remain young adults and adults for a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time.

@TheSims3 What are the advantages of V.I.P. places over regular ones?
@everythingsims3 Better celebrities, better drinks, and more. Stay tuned for details on clubs!

@TheSims3 Will have many new objects in the game? You can name a few?
@lpts3 We have a lot of new objects. Shuffleboard, darts, bubble bar, new professional bars, 3 new instruments, HOT TUBS.

@TheSims3 will there be more body sliders in CAS to customize our sims more in Late Night?
@jarrodappel There's a new breast slider for females and new muscle sliders for both genders. Let's just say we've had some funny convos.

@TheSims3 Do you know how to make Sims talk while sitting down? And can you tell me about forming a band in Late Night? :)
@WTC4ever We've done a lot of work to make sure Sims can talk while sitting down, having a drink, and more. It looks great!

@thesims3 are ther apartments and how do they work? can every floor be viewed?
@shortmikez The apartments are extensions of Shells from World Adventures. Big models, but with some floors that can be built and lived in.

@TheSims3 What are the new skills? Besides Music skills?
@simsmx  Mixology is the other new skill. Create tons of awesome new juice drinks, learn some sweet moves, and even work as a mixologist.

@TheSims3 ur the one who's going to answers questions about late night right?
@St3phrocks I am!

@TheSims3 vampires will be able to leave the light of day is normally or as in The Sims 2 Night Life?
@SimDown_ They can go outside into the sun but only at their own peril. It's best to limit their exposure.

@TheSims3 Will we be able to add any elements of Late Night to our existing neighborhoods?
@icreatesims Yes. Celebrities, bars, band stuff -- you can put all of these in your existing neighborhood if you want.

@TheSims3 What feature in the new expansion most excites you?
@knazzer The race car is hilariously awesome. So fast!

@TheSims3 Okay, because I'm going to make a series and that will be good. If you form a band, can they play at clubs?
@WTC4ever Yes! We have gigs that you can perform. Or, just bring your band and start playing.

@TheSims3 Is there a bowling alley like in The Sims 2?
@simsmx No bowling alley, sorry. We wanted to change up a few things for Late Night.

@TheSims3 Will you be able to, as an actor go to auditions and actually be on a set? Will there be premiere events for my celebrity?
@MasonCoe We do have acting auditions out in the neighborhood. You can also go shoot b-roll footage. It's pretty cool!

@pSIMSp They are shells similar to pyramids in World Adventures. Not rabbit holes!

@gagatontino Yes, there are undergrounds, or subways as we call them here in the states.

@TheOtherAuti Only Late Night is in the works. I'm not sure we can handle more than one at a time!

@dylanrandomness Yes, you can incorporate your ambitions locations into the new neighborhood. We always try to leave some empty space!

@tiffanidawn1289 Insane Sims don't have any particular issues with the graveyard if I recall correctly.

@Desire0367 Anything and everything is possible with The Sims 3.

@knazzer Yes. New traits are Shy and a new one for Celebrity Sims.

@thesims3 is the subway a rabbit hole?
@hellokittysims Yes. You go down into the subway and emerge from another one elsewhere in the world.

@TheSims3 where will the subways go to and from, one side of the world to another?
@sww_sww_sww We have several subways through the neighborhood. You can place your own if you want, even on your Sim's home lot.

@TheSims3 Our talented Articles' Developer wonders if you can marry her http://twitpic.com/29tlvv/full
@darasims_ru YES. Actually I have to say no. I'm already in love.

@TheSims3 Can we sims actor, singer, director see at work? And how?
@voske1990 Yes, your Sims will sometimes have acting and directing jobs outside the film studio.

@Skyline7284 There are a lot of vehicles with fast lane. Maybe 12? I cannot remember the exact number.

@TheSims3 Are there going to be any new places to woohoo?
@sims3blog Yes! You can woohoo in the hot tub and the elevator.

@TheSims3 Heya Grant Pretty cool you letting us ask you some questions. Here is a question Is there going to be new ways to die?
@N3mb3r Vampires can die by thirst!

@TheSims3 will there be paparazzi for rockstars??.
@_Corbin Yes! They can be very annoying. But, the paparazzi are fun to deal with.

@TheSims3 Are the new jobs like in Ambitions?
@JoaoxLucas The new film Career shares some of the Ambitions features, much like the Doctor career.

@TheSims3 What are plasma packs? Ive heard vampires use them.
@DJD703 Plasma Packs are a new snack to satisfy a vampires' thirst.

@TheSims3 In the trailers there is a Bubble blower, are there any other cool effects such as foam & glitter?
@knazzer Yes! The FX machine is AWESOME. It shoots snow, fire, glitter, bubbles...oh man it is so cool.

@TheSims3 What will vampires do when feed from other sims(i.e. the animation for it)?
@vampsrule13 It depends on whether your Sim is romantically involved with them or not.

@TheSims3 how would you describe the new world in the EP, city type?
@sww_sww_sww It has a lovely skyline, tons of tall buildings, beautiful coastline.

@TheSims3 Hey Grant, is there going to be a microphone?
@bugisradio No microphone. We have piano, drums, bass, and of course, still the guitar.

@TheSims3 is there any other ways that a vampire can quench thier thirsts, other than biting inocent sims?
@AMGIQ They aren't always innocent! But yes, plasma packs, plasma fruit, and as you mentioned, drinking from other Sims.

@TheSims3 Were the Vampires influenced by the Twilight Saga in anyway
@djcharding14 No. They are our own creation.

@TheSims3 will there be zombies,witches or other strange creatures in the future??
@Bi92 Anything is possible!

@Gavaudin It's similar to Eccentric for Inventing. It gives you an edge in being and becoming a celebrity.
@TheSims3: I know there's a Shy trait, but what's this mystery 'Celebrity' one? Can you tell us or is it a surprise?

@TheSims3 What kind of furniture could we expect in The Sims 3 Late Night?
@konfidentnl Really awesome furniture. our concept team went all out this time. You will love being a celebrity in our comfy new digs.

@TheSims3  Grant: As a producer, which team within Sims 3 is your favorite and why? J/k, we know it's us. Shhh, don't tell the GPE's! ;-)
@Slansing97 I dunno Slansing97. Do you SMELL like me? No.

@TheSims3 Give us a hint for what we can expect next.
@Ganjray It's going to be a game. I promise you that.

@TheSims3 Does late night have elevators?
@matko07 Yep! Elevator goes up. Elevator goes down. Ding.

@TheSims3 Why doesn't the EP have a micro?
@everythingsims3 We wanted to focus on the band itself. We had a lot of instruments and bass, drums, and pianos were the ones we picked.

@TheSims3 Do you need a high gardening skill to grow plasma fruits? Do you just find the seeds around town?
@FabKail16 No. You can buy seeds or fruit at the store actually. But yes, gardening skill helps.

@TheSims3 Will vampires have a new need?
@JoaoxLucas Thirst replaces hunger. But, vampires play quite differently than other Sims.

@TheSims3 so it's an actual new town? not just a place you can travel to like in sims 2?
@seeme_loveme Yes, it's a new town in which to live.

@TheSims3 Why was a new york based city chosen over an LA type city?
@MasonCoe It actually wasn't inspired by New York...

@TheSims3 HUH? if the vampires shouldn't be outside, then how will they grow there plasma fruit? greenhouse? or.. eat or be eaten? lol.
@baileykeates Go outside during the night! Moonlight doesn't burn them. Only the sun.

@thesims3 what special powers do vampires have?
@prosperousacres They can read minds, hunt others, and become super powerful very quickly.

@TheSims3 are there any new recipes?
@opmystik We added several new recipes for bars and the new food truck. Hot Wings = Delicious.

@TheSims3 Will this EP be opportunity-base yet again? Or will we finally get more simulation?
@Gabryells This is the most simulation driven EP yet. Opportunities are scaled back.

@TheSims3 @replies - Are there any new means of transportation, like subway and chopper? Could you elaborate?
@ArthurMinegussi Yes, there's a new subway.

@TheSims3 What's the name of the new town?
@gtns We haven't settled on a name yet. Have a good suggestion?

@TheSims3 Its just killing me now! Do vampire children need to attend school, do they have a curfew?
@FabKail16 All children, vampire or no, must go to school. It's the law! Plus, we don't want them to be dumb.

@TheSims3 What are some new build mode tools/objects?
@__Diddle  You can now build pools on any floor level, circular pools. We added a fountain tool, you can move paintings up and down on wall.

@TheSims3 What's new in build mode?
@__Diddle Half walls, building inside shell buildings...there is a LOT of build/buy stuff.

@TheSims3 If you have Sims in say Sunset Valley how do we transfer them to the new city?
@knazzer go to Edit Town, put them in the library, load the new town, then place them down from the library.

@ArthurMinegussi My Sim was at a packed dive bar today. It can get nice and busy.

@TheSims3 What's your favorite playable creature from the entire Sims series?
@CamiiMania Honestly, the new vampires are by far my favorite. They really rock.

@TheSims3 when can you say that the release date is going to be?
@BestTPro October 26, 2010 worldwide.

@TheSims3 What new tools create a sim?
@TheSims3Brasil We have new sliders! Also, the new clothing and hair assets are gorgeous.

@TheSims3 how can a vampire die?
@_InJuReD_ Death by Thirst, Old Age...really any death except Hunger.

@TheSims3 I'm a Team Jacob fan and Would Love a Wolf PET! forget the Vamps! Go for HOT!
@AbiKat Team Edward all the way. You know it's meant to be.

@TheSims3 Will plasma have a chance to give a vampire a small age reversal?
@Akasen1226 No, it's only a food. But, Life Fruit is guaranteed to make them younger...

@thesims3 new skin colors?
@notanearthling Vampires have a special skin type of sorts (NOT GLITTER). But no, we don't have new "skin types."

@TheSims3 Hey, I need your answers! I wont to sleep, but I am sitting here. WHY?
@kathysolo Because Twitter is addictive?

@TheSims3 does the vampires need to sleep?
@indrabaru1 Yes. We even added a new special bed for them that's quite haunting.

@TheSims3 Grant have you thought about making a facebook/twitter page so we could keep up with whats going on?
@N3mb3r I'd never be able to keep up! Or sleep!

@TheSims3 Will the skin on sims change after becoming a vampire (like get all pale and such) or will it remain the same?
@Indonesian_Cow It changes. It's slightly pale and...unearthly. It looks really cool. Again, NOT GLITTER.

@TheSims3 Please no more, I feel information overload coming on. Please release Late Night NAO!!!!! :)
@WorldWar3434 We are kindred spirits.

@TheSims3 will Sims be able to ask other sims out on dates now, like official dates?
@aeroprincess87 You will have ability to form groups and hang out together. There are romantic groups as well.

@TheSims3 What about the driving system being improved in the future? I don't like it when Sims simply vanish in and out of vehicles...
@gtns  Currently the system lets us create ANY car. Fire trucks, racing cars. We prefer this flexibility which we might not otherwise have.

@TheSims3 Can vampires have babies with a regular sim (and make a half vampire baby?)
@silver_moon525 Yes, but there are no half vampires. They either are, or are not a vampire.

@TheSims3 Any new DANCE MOVES in LATE NIGHT?
@Karen445 Yes! And they are smoking hot. Our animators are amazing.

@TheSims3 Can other sims invite us to parties?
@MellsChoco11 Yes! We're really excited to finally get NPC hosted parties. Have fun crashing them (which is possible!)

@TheSims3 Will we have any rabbit hole opened?
@JoaoxLucas We haven't opened up existing rabbit holes.

@TheSims3 are some VIPs from the real world in Late Night?
@iSimsNET We think it's more fun to create our own personality and fiction. But, if you want, YOU can totally create them :)

@TheSims3 Again: Please tell me the Vamps don't sleep in coffins! Also, can I have a puppy please dad!? LOL
@AbiKat No, no coffins. They use regular beds and the new vampire altar.

@TheSims3  if a vampire is in the sun what will happen, Death by fire, a new death? and is death by thirst a new ghost or the same as hunger
@eduardog3000 They get fried by the sun. Too much time and they will very much regret it.

@TheSims3 Can we create our own buildings with the height we want?
@ActualidadSims No, but there is a huge variety of buildings to use.

@TheSims3 So you can't flirt with the bouncers to get in?
@MellsChoco11 If the club has a bouncer you can sneak in, bribe, hack your way in...or get in legitimately with your celeb status.

@TheSims3 ¿Do we need an ability for each musical instrument?
@yerak007 Yeah, we have four musical skills for four musical instruments.

@TheSims3 what kind of new sliders?
@DimensaoSims Breast Sliders for females, muscle sliders for both men and women (they are different than the current muscle sliders).

@TheSims3 So Grant, Any new Sims 3 Voices?
@Karen445 I don't have details but soon I promise :(

@TheSims3 about how much do the penthouse cost
@lopezkid33 They will range in price like current homes. Some cheaper, some VERY expensive.

@TheSims3 Any new facial hair?
@RosalynBown Yes! This was actually a huge request from you guys and we really wanted new facial hair.

@TheSims3 Can the new sliders be inherited by offspring?
@WibbyTee Yes, they are genetic like other CAS features.

@TheSims3 Is it going to exist a potion to make vampires become normal Sims? Or they have to be like that until they die?
@carolina_sofia We have a vampire cure that is a potion.

@TheSims3 When will weather (seasons) become standard?
@MasonCoe I cannot say for sure, but anything is possible.

@TheSims3 do vampires have specific traits, which only they can use?
@InfiniteSims No, but they have tons of unique behavior. They are really great.

@TheSims3 Will we have water reflection??
@JoaoxLucas Yes. Our engineers put in some gorgeous new water reflections. Load up China or Egypt especially -- GORGEOUS.

@Hraklis Yes, there is the new subway and new film studio.
@Hraklis PLUS we made updates to some old rabbit holes for variety.

@TheSims3 is death by thirst a new ghost or the same as hunger?
@eduardog3000 New ghost!

@TheSims3 Hows does a Sim become a Vampire in Late Night?
@DamienF519 You need to find a vampire, befriend them, and convince them to turn you. I bet the hidden vampire bar is a good place...

@TheSims3 Is Late Night going to be rated T?
@beachchickadee T for Teen

@TheSims3 Mr Rodiek: Does Twinbrook have any relation to Innsmouth by Lovecraft ?
@sims3blog No. Twinbrook is inspired by the gulf coastline, i.e. Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi.

@TheSims3 Is the new EP basically gonna be a mix of The Sims: Hot Date, and The Sims: House Party?
@jer012 No, it's not quite that simple. We took a lot of our favorite features and mixed them in a totally new way. (Plus new stuff!)

@TheSims3 when sims go on the subway will there be loading screens or will it just pan as if theyre in a taxi to where theyre going?
@josieandrews96 No loading screens! A short time after entering one subway your Sim will exit another.

@TheSims3 they say theres vampire bloodlines
@shawne1000 What bloodlines thing?

@krJU No, but you CAN hire a butler. I love asking him for advice :)

@InfiniteSims Vampires can eat grilled cheese if they want, but...it won't satisfy them.

@Iguirdo haha, that would be fun. For now we're focused on making the breast and muscle sliders great.

@bafendo 3 new hot tubs. They look fantastic.

@Gurra09 The subway is free UNLESS you get mugged. But...that doesn't happen THAT often. It's faster than driving.

@josieandrews96 You pick your end destination.

@JoaoxLucas The pools have huge updates. You can now build them on any floor (so, top floor of a penthouse!) and they are curved.

@karensejer No. The Vampires in Late Night are awesome, modern, and cool. No goofball blood suckers here.

@Indonesian_Cow You need to ask. We're not too big on wanton violence :)

@Hraklis Vampires have a favorite food. O Positive :) and yes, new music too.

@TheSims3 I hope you're aware that a patch broke the ability of lamps to spread light to floors above (outdoors). Please fix it!
@MellsChoco11 That sounds really sweet. Thanks for the idea.

@RenzSarayba Yes, they can (assuming it's not too late and curfew kicks in). The focus is definitely for adults, however.

@TheSims3 May I build subway stations by my own, on any lot in any neighbourhood? Even the ones I create in CAW?
@Gurra09 Yes, they are basically a big object. You can place them on any lot type, even your own. They will be in buydebug.

@TheSims3 You can get mugged on the subway? I thought it was Rated T?
@DJD703 It's not a violent mugging. You can get "mauled by bears" technically in The Sims 3. We're silly, not violent!

@TheSims3  Would you consider making a vacations expansion that is different from WA that has more of a relaxing nonquest theme or was WA it?
@Candi_Dyla Yeah, we would consider anything actually. That's a good idea. I do so love vacation :)

@TheSims3 Hi ! What is the color of the logo and the box of Late Night? =)
@BricaSims We're not done making the box art or logos yet. So, I cannot tell you. What color would you prefer?

@mysims3life No hotels. You live in the new neighborhood, not visit.

@TheSims3 is there any traffic light!!???? Traffic Light??@@
@indrabaru1 The traffic light is a decorative object, so no, we don't have a complex traffic system :)

@TheSims3 What? How do you get Mauled by Bears in TS3?
@severedsolo Hang out in the mausoleum WAY too long.

@TheSims3  English neighbourhood would be epic! But not too much sterotypes!! :D Stuff like Windsor Castle, London, english villages and such
@IonosphereRhino Haha, you say no stereotypes then say we need to build castles. You're silly :) (But I DO love London)

@SpinTheMoon Late Night is all about going out on the town and hanging with friends. Awesome late night experiences. No ocean swimming atm.

@TheSims3 will there be elevators?!!
@eduardog3000 Yes!

@TheSims3 Grant, Will there be a DJ booth in Late Night?
@jilliankloster No DJ booth. We wanted to focus on instruments for now.

@thesims3 will there ever be a way to make a living by being a "tattoo artist?"
@JxG1991 You can do that in Ambitions. Your Sim earns money when doing tattoos for others.

@w3by We have this wicked new goatee based on one of our engineers. You can see it on the bouncer in the trailer!

@TheSims3 what new career? what are the personality characteristics of the new sims ?
@redlee_ Film Career! Shy! Star Quality!

@TheSims3 And the trailer for The Sims 3 Fast Lane?
@DimensaoSims What about the trailer?

@TheSims3 what´s about paparazzi????????
@krJU Paparazzi are in the game. They will sneak around to take photos of celebs.

@TheSims3 Grant, are there any plans for a Pets installment? Maybe with added pets, like birds, gerbils, snakes... ?
@tokyocentricity Anything is possible. Right now, we're all about going out on the town ;)

@TheSims3 What about the weather in the game?
@kathysolo Weather in the new neighborhood is sunny and bright for now. Advisory warning if you're a vampire.

@thesims3 is their spiral staircases i really want to know
@hellokittysims We added a ton of new features for build mode but not spiral staircases (I listed it in a previous tweet).

@TheSims3 How will existing Sunset Valley/Riverview/Twinbrook families benefit from this EP?
@LamaDaan The same as families in new EP. You can have celebs, bars, bands, and more in your old neighborhood if you want.

@TheSims3 Will the vampires have special clothing (like gothic clothing)?
@Indonesian_Cow We didn't create vampire specific clothing but we did add a ton of new outfits. They are easily the best we've made.

@TheSims3  in the sims 3 late night trailer is that the final look of the vampires because they dont look very vampire-ish, will they act dif
@seanmcbay15 The game is always changing. The video is based on some early footage.

@TheSims3 @replies What are the advantages of V.I.P. places over regular ones?
@ArthurMinegussi More celebrities, cooler people, better objects and activities, better drinks...overall higher quality.

@thesims3 Do you get tipped or paid for playing instruments/gigs????
@tinydancer114 Heck yeah! Musicians don't work for free! (Unless they are bad musicians).

@TheSims3 How many traits will come with Late Night? I hope it's a lot. Please let there be lots! That's my favourite thing about EPs!
@Candi_Dyla  This time we only added 2 more traits. But we love them too so don't worry. There's also another trait you'll be getting soon...

@TheSims3  did u get the idea for a film career from me? i put a movie on the website saying there should be a "The Sims 3: On Air"??????????
@A__J__D  No, we didn't. It made sense for us to have a film career in a game with a big emphasis on celebrities. Great minds think alike!

@DimensaoSims what's new in 'create a sim'?
@redlee_ New outfits, new hair, and the breast slider (for women) and new muscle slider for both genders.

@TheSims3 @replies - Will building have underground parking?
@ArthurMinegussi No, but you could build a basement and put parking spaces in it if you wanted...

@AMGIQ No need to shout sir! There aren't vampire bloodlines. They pass on their traits and abilities genetically though.

@TheSims3 New trait for fast lane?
@WibbyTee Maybe

@TheSims3 Ripped abs for all the men!!! lol
@sims3blog Not just ripped ads. SMOKIN' ripped abs. (ladies too)

@TheSims3 Is Night Life already in Beta?
@caioaugusto No.

@Karen445 I DO love Seasons. It was the last EP I made before moving to Sims 3.

@TheSims3 Will there be any quests in the expansion pack? :)
@Prosims We added new opportunities for the new skills and career, as well as gigs for the band.

@thesims3 can your sims get jobs at the night clubs?
@oceaneyesxo Your Sim can moonlight as a mixologist or earn money in the band.

@TheSims3 What is the best part about making a new EP?
@Umi_and_Alter Creating something new and special. Incorporating fan ideas and community requests. Taking our Sims on a new adventure :)

@TheSims3 are the original rabbit holes in the new neighborhood or are there new ones??
@kaksisauna  Some old. We've modified the art for some of the old ones to look new, and we added tons of buildings, subways, and film studio.

@Thesims3 What happens when a Vampire eats Garlic?
@Lehdkat They aren't happy :) I have to leave SOME surprises.

@TheSims3 If a celeb sim has kids, are the kids instant celebs, or will they have to work for it?
@XxSarahLanexX There's a new Teen Celebrity part time job only available to children of celebs :)

@TheSims3 is paparazzi a new job, too???
@krJU No. It's an NPC that lingers around town.

@TheSims3 have new tattoo designs?
@redlee_ Yes, we added a few new tats.

@TheSims3 what will be the next ep?!
@jd121296 I don't know. We're entirely focused on Late Night so you (and we) will just have to see.

@TheSims3 When will the The Sims 3 Late Night Logo will be "released"? Is it already finished?
@caiolacava It isn't finished yet. We're working on it as we type. I'm actually designing it with my feet.

@TheSims3 how do actors get paid?
@MasonCoe By the local restaurant they tend to wait tables at.
@MasonCoe OH you meant in Late Night. Sorry, that was mean. They get paid just like any other career.

@TheSims3 what kind of effects will the new drinks have on Sims?
@aeroprincess87 There's a little bit of variety to the drink effects. You'll have to wait and see!

@TheSims3  Will the celebrity job work like the jobs in base game, like Ambitions jobs, like the celebrity job in Superstar or in a new way??
@Gurra09 It isn't a job. You build points by acting like a celebrity, such as schmoozing, doing things in careers, and more.

@TheSims3 PLEASE are we getting restaurants or not?? PLEASE GRANT
@Hraklis We have not added any changes to the existing base game restaurants.

@TheSims3  will there be a new trailer release over the upcoming months? Plus...how does the fountain tool work? Thanks for answering Q's :)
@Doodlesam54321 Hard to explain the fountain tool via twitter. It's a flexible way to make really cool fountains. It's pretty amazing.

@TheSims3  will there be a sims 2 complete collection & what do u no about the sims through space and time ? please answer im in uk and tired
@seanmcbay15 I don't know about Sims through space and time. Though I did see my past self earlier. He looked weird.

@TheSims3 what does plasma look like??
@kaksisauna Red.

@TheSims3 How will kid vampires go to school during the day?
@Wolfgang814 Very quickly to avoid the sun. (Though to be honest the full effects of vampirism hit later in life).

MellsChoco11 @TheSims3 Will Sims be able to live in normal houses as well???
@MellsChoco11 Yep! We've built some gorgeous new homes.

@TheSims3 Are there going to many new hairstyles?
@strelitzia19 There are quite a few. I love them.

@TheSims3  You say that they're new instruments +gigs for bands. Are there any new interactions b/c of this? Like asking ppl 2 join ur band?
@Mainehorse Yes! You can form bands with others, kick people out, have jam sessions...

@TheSims3 do you imagine you doing another job than Sims? :D
@carolina_sofia I think it'd be fun to be a teacher. Or own a bookstore.

@TheSims3 How many hot tubs will the game come with?
@nickimbrogno Tres. Drei. Three.

@TheSims3 GRANT, ITS IMPORTANT :D will there be folding beds?
@iSimsNET No folding beds at this time.

[ 本帖最后由 Sakura4 于 2010-7-30 20:20 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-7-30 20:28 | 显示全部楼层

又及:为什么不做个魔法人生... EB Games不是还有HP系列的魔法经验吗...这样不就能做出HP.RW.HG.GW.NL.LL了吗...


[ 本帖最后由 rmb20yuan 于 2010-7-31 15:05 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-8-4 15:48 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-8-7 00:35 | 显示全部楼层
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